Coroner Division

It is the mission of the Coroner Division to provide competent and timely law enforcement and scientific investigations into deaths occurring within the County of Marin to provide timely and accurate answers to survivors with regard to the deaths of their loved ones.

On January 3, 2011, the operations of the Marin County Coroner’s Office became a function on the Marin County Sheriff’s Office. During this consolidation of services the Sheriff’s Office Coroner Division was created. The Coroner Division is a component of the Sheriff’s Office Administration and Support Services Bureau. The Coroner Division is located at 1600 Los Gamos Dr., Suite #205 in San Rafael, and consists of one Chief Deputy Coroner, three Coroner Investigators, and one Office Assistant.

The Coroner Division conducts their investigations to determine the cause, manner, and circumstances of deaths meeting criteria as defined in 27491 of the California Government Code.

The Coroner Division is open to the public Monday through Friday: 8:00am to 12:00pm & 1:00pm to 4:00pm

On occasion, Coroner Division personnel may be away from the office conducting investigations or other follow up.  If you need to urgently speak with an investigator, please contact the Marin County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center and ask for an investigator to be paged, (415) 473-2311.  If you are planning on coming to the office to pick up copies of reports or property, we encourage you to contact  the Coroner Division prior to doing so in order to insure someone is in the office (415) 473-6043.
