Job Process & Testing

Learn about the testing and background process for employment

Below is the testing and background process for Deputy Sheriff with the Marin County Sheriff’s Office. We have listed the process here so potential applicants for the position of Deputy Sheriff will have a clear understanding of the different phases and what will be expected of them.

The process is listed in order of occurrence and portions of the testing process may occur in one block of time such as the written, narrative, and physical agility. This process only applies to Deputy Sheriff positions. Other positions with the Sheriff’s Office may vary depending on State law and Marin County policy.

If you have any questions regarding our hiring process for Deputy Sheriff or any other positions with the Sheriff’s Office, contact Sergeant Chris Gullett at 415-473-4280 or by email at

This is the generic application form required by the Marin County Human Resources Department. Visit Human Resources Online where you can download the application, apply online, or request an application be sent to you. This application must be completed regardless of the position that you are applying for.
This is a standardized test developed and approved by The Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training. It is designed to assess competency reading and language skills that are required of Deputy Sheriffs. You will be allowed 2.5 hours to complete this examination. This test will be given a numerical score.
You will be required to complete a physical agility test that will include wearing a weight belt simulating a standard outfitted duty belt. This test will include running, hurdling, climbing a 6-foot wooden wall, and carrying/dragging a 165 pound, dead-weight dummy and placing it onto a platform. You will have 2 minutes and 30 seconds to complete this test. This is a pass/fail test.
Provided you passed all of the above tests, you will then be invited to present yourself to a panel of interviewers from the Sheriff’s Office and Human Resources. You should be prepared to express yourself clearly, openly, and logically. You may be asked to respond to hypothetical situations; discuss your general job knowledge, education, training, and experience. This assessment will be given a numerical score.
You will meet with the background investigator to discuss in-depth aspects of your background. You will be fingerprinted, photographed, and will complete a number of documents required for your background. You will be given a Personal History Statement and Background Investigation Questionnaire to take home and complete.
The background investigator will schedule a polygraph examination or voice stress analysis examination for all applicants selected for background investigation.
An in-depth inquiry and examination into your personal relationships, employment, criminal and legal history, and financial history will be conducted. This information is confidential and will not be shared with any person except authorized Sheriff’s personnel.
Provided that you meet the job requirements and background criteria for the position, a “conditional job offer” may be extended to you. The condition is successful completion of a pre-employment medical examination and psychological examination (in the case of Communications Dispatcher and Deputy Sheriff applicants), and nothing else in your background of significance comes to light after the conditional offer.
The Sheriff may extend a “Final Job Offer” upon the report of satisfactory completion of the required medical and/or psychological evaluation(s).

Dispatcher Testing Process

Below is the testing and background process for Communications Dispatcher with the Marin County Sheriff’s Office. We have listed the process here so that potential applicants for the position of Communications Dispatcher will have a clear understanding of the different phases and what will be expected of them.

The process is listed in order of occurrence and portions of the testing process may occur in one block of time. This process only applies to Communications Dispatcher positions. Other positions with the Sheriff’s Office may vary depending on State law and Marin County policy.

If you have any questions regarding our hiring process for Communications Dispatcher or any other positions with the Sheriff’s Office, contact Sergeant Danny Maples at 415-473-4280 or by email at

This is the generic application form required by the Marin County Human Resources Department. Visit Human Resources Online where you can download the application, apply online, or request an application be sent to you. This application must be completed regardless of the position that you are applying for.
As an applicant you are invited into the Communications Center to take a 2 ½ to 3 hour computer based, inter-active test. You will be tested on skills such as multi tasking, decision making, data entry, cross referencing, memory recall, map reading and reading comprehension. You must obtain a passing score of 75 to continue in the hiring process. (Lateral applicants are not required to take this test.)
Provided that you pass the above test, you will then be invited to present yourself to a panel of interviewers from the Sheriff’s Office. You should be prepared to express yourself clearly, openly, and logically. You may be asked to respond to hypothetical situations, discuss your general job knowledge, education training and experience.
You will meet with the background investigator to discuss in-depth aspects of your background. You will be fingerprinted, photographed, and will complete a number of documents required for your background. You will be given a Personal History Statement and Background Investigation Questionnaire to take home and complete. Normally you are allowed 7 days to complete them.
The background investigator will schedule a polygraph examination or voice stress analysis examination for all applicants selected for background investigation.
An in-depth inquiry and examination into your personal relationships, employment, criminal and legal history, and financial history will be conducted. This information is confidential and will not be shared with any person except authorized Sheriff’s personnel.
Provided that you meet the job requirements and background criteria for the position, a “conditional job offer” may be extended to you. The condition is successful completion of a pre-employment medical examination and psychological examination (in the case of Communications Dispatcher and Deputy Sheriff applicants), and nothing else in your background of significance comes to light after the conditional offer.
The Sheriff may extend a “Final Job Offer” upon the report of satisfactory completion of the required medical and/or psychological evaluation(s).