Meliora Public Safety Consulting and the Marin County Sheriff's Office will be hosting community outreach events to get your input
Over the past year, The Marin County Sheriff’s Office has been working with a consulting company to analyze, evaluate, and report on our staffing and resource deployment across the organization, including all sworn staff, professional staff and administrative staff members. Meliora Public Safety Consulting was selected to conduct this review.
We have scheduled four events for the public to come and engage in dialogue with Meliora Public Safety Consulting to elicit feedback from community stakeholders on the department’s performance and identify where expectations are met and can be enhanced. This assessment will not be complete without feedback from the public, so please join us at one of these events and share your thoughts and opinions.
Please see the Marin IJ link below for more information
“It is going to be important for us to get that feedback to hear from the community on what we could be doing better,” Scardina said. “That is the major reason we’re doing this.”
September 26th
6pm-7pm 4 Montego Keys, Novato (Bel Marin Keys Community Service District Building)
6pm-7pm 1 6th St, Pt Reyes (Marin Health and Human Services Multi-Services Center)
September 27th
6pm-7pm College of Marin (Diamond Physical Education Center #PE 091)
6pm-7pm 105 Drake Ave, Marin City (Golden Gate Village Resident Community Center)